I am building a loop antenna using a vacuum variable capacitor adjusted by a stepper motor. I want to find the limit of the capacitor screw range. That would be a calibration zero point for adjusting the antenna. I wonder if I can run the stepper motor in such a way that it stops (stalls) at the end of the capacitor screw range. It would also be helpful to detect the stall.
- wa3ltj asked 2 months ago
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After reading.
Stepping motors do not stall, they skip. The motor current goes up as the load goes up. Also, a stepper motor will skip more often at higher speeds. The current and skip depend on the motor voltage.
There are a number of ways to detect the stop. The most common method is to measure the motor current. One integrated circuit well suited for monitoring motor current is the INA260. It is designed for power sensing. It has an integrated precision shunt resistor and a 16 bit A/D, so it covers a wide range with precision. The chip has a I2C interface. There are both Python and Arduino drivers available.
- wa3ltj answered 1 month ago
Proof that Andy is a genuine Elmer, he can answer his own questions.
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