I recently found a ham app that piqued my curiosity called “Rattlegram”.
Basically, it turns your cell phone into an acoustic coupler (you old phreaks remember those?) that allows you to send SMS text messages by radio if you have no cell service or Internet service. Both the sender and the receiver have to have a cell phone and the Rattlegram app, and a radio of course.Not practical for everyday use but it might have a purpose in the Ecoms toolbox?
Basically you type you text message on your phone, place your phone near your mic and hit send. The “noise” sounds like the old dial up modem. The person on the other end has his phone by his radio, and when the data is heard, his phone decodes the data and he sees the text message on his phone.
I see many pros and cons of such an app. Your thoughts?
(“Rattlegram” in the Android or Apple App store)
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