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Home Forums Buying advice Ham shack hotline Reply To: Ham shack hotline

  • AF7SJ

    2024-03-28 at 14:53
    Newbie posting rank

    I got some surplus Polycom phones for Ham Shack Hotline use. They work fine for me, but I haven’t found many to talk to.

    Cisco phones are generally nicer, but Polycoms (now Poly) and very common surplus because they are used by many of the VoIP phone providers as the budget phone option.

    Search for something like a vvx210 if you want to try the Poly route. The VVX line gets more features as you go up by hundreds, so the VVX100 line is very basic, VVX200 adds a speaker phone, VVX300 will be more line options, VVX400 color screens, and so forth.