Reply To: ATT outage

  • KE8HNK

    Group member
    2024-02-24 at 19:33
    10W posting rank

    Preparedness is the key though some preppers may jump on the ham bands to without proper licenses and the GMRS bands may not be as busy depending on Geo-Location Such as us we have several schools that use a few of the channels so planning the GMRS takes some listening and maybe even looking for repeaters in the area as well.

    Our family has a relay and plan hat gets reviewed annually this will also get put in as it now has moved from a possibility to a actual event. Our land line went out and they said because of water but we think it was more related to the outage…….

    Awesome job on the antennas but I don’t have the time or tools to test (working on it)

    I still have to get mine up that I bought and tested