Ranks and Achievements

The middle rank is your current rank (unless you are a New member).

Posting ranks

Newbie posting rank


Just joined Ham Community

5W posting rank


Rank 2/14

2 Requirements

  • Create a new topic 1 time
  • Reply to a topic 3 times
10W posting rank


Rank 3/14

2 Requirements

  • Create a new topic 2 times
  • Reply to a topic 6 times
25W posting rank


Rank 4/14

2 Requirements

  • Create a new topic 4 times
  • Reply to a topic 12 times
50W posting rank


Rank 5/14

2 Requirements

  • Create a new topic 8 times
  • Reply to a topic 24 times
75W posting rank


Rank 6/14

2 Requirements

  • Create a new topic 16 times
  • Reply to a topic 48 times
100W posting rank


Rank 7/14

2 Requirements

  • Create a new topic 25 times
  • Reply to a topic 100 times
150W posting rank


Rank 8/14

2 Requirements

  • Create a new topic 25 times
  • Reply to a topic 150 times
200W posting rank


Rank 9/14

2 Requirements

  • Create a new topic 25 times
  • Reply to a topic 200 times
250W posting rank


Rank 10/14

2 Requirements

  • Create a new topic 25 times
  • Reply to a topic 250 times
500W posting rank


Rank 11/14

3 Requirements

  • Create a new topic 25 times
  • Reply to a topic 500 times
  • Answer a question 1 time
1KW posting rank


Rank 12/14

3 Requirements

  • Create a new topic 25 times
  • Reply to a topic 1000 times
  • Answer a question 5 times
1.5KW posting rank


Rank 13/14

4 Requirements

  • Create a new topic 50 times
  • Reply to a topic 1500 times
  • Answer a question 10 times
  • Get answer selected as best 1 time
1.5KW+ posting rank


Rank 14/14

7 Requirements

  • Create a new topic 50 times
  • Reply to a topic 1500 times
  • Answer a question 15 times
  • Get answer selected as best 3 times
  • Send an email invitation 1 time
  • Start following someone 1 time
  • Get a follower 1 time

Bronze Excellence Award

Bronze Excellence Award given by HC founder K3MRI, to members who have shown an overall commitment to amateur radio, but also to other members of Ham Community.

Silver Excellence Award

Silver Excellence Award given by HC founder K3MRI, to members who have shown an overall commitment to amateur radio, but also to other members of Ham Community.

Gold Excellence Award

Gold Excellence Award given by HC founder K3MRI, to members who have shown an overall commitment to amateur radio, but also to other members of Ham Community.

Star Excellence Award

Star Excellence Award given by HC founder K3MRI, to members who have shown an overall commitment to amateur radio, but also to other members of Ham Community. For ongoing exceptional service to the Community, up to three Star Excellence Awards may be bestowed.

Bronze Group Award

Joining groups fosters collaboration and, as you know, Ham Community is about collaboration | contribution | camaraderie. Earning the Bronze Group Award should be fairly easy, you just need one!

43 users have earned this Earned award

1 Step

  • Join a group 1 time

Silver Group Award

When you earn your Silver Group Award, you are on your way to becoming a very active group member. Silver is yours when you join five groups.

14 users have earned this Earned award

1 Step

  • Join a group 5 times

Gold Group Award

Join 10 groups, invite two people to a group, and publish two activity posts in a group

3 Steps

  • Join a group 10 times
  • Invite someone to join a group 2 times
  • Publish an activity post in a group 2 times

Star Group award

You’re in groups, you’re active, and you’re a moderator or organizer, you are a star!

3 Steps

  • Get promoted as moderator/administrator of a group 1 time
  • Join a group 10 times
  • Invite someone to join a group 10 times


Becoming a Ham Community Elmer is an achievement in and of itself. Operators are admitted into The Elmers’ Circle when they demonstrate a thorough understanding of one – or possibly several – aspects of Amateur Radio. Elmer admission and good standing is discussed and decided within The Elmers’ Circle. In addition to the prerequisites which include being nominated by five members, accomplishing a minima of posting, questions and answers, prospects must also fill out a Submission of Intent.

7 users have earned this Nominated award

5 Steps

Grand Elmer

Awarded to Elmers who have shown distinction by responding to a great number of inquiries and being appreciated for doing so. This, along with our Excellence Awards and Grand Trophies, count among Ham Community’s highest honors.

4 Steps

Stratosphere Ambassador

Stratosphere Ambassador

The best way to grow a community is to do so from within. Our Ham Community ambassadors are doing just that. They are inviting new members to join. The rank of Stratosphere Ambassador is the first and is earned by successfully inviting and registering five new members.

1 Step

  • Account from email invitation gets activated 1 time
Mesosphere Ambassador

Mesosphere Ambassador

Our ambassadors are the fuel for our growth and Mesosphere Ambassadors have been hard at work bringing 10 new members to Ham Community. We are so grateful.

1 Step

  • Account from email invitation gets activated 10 times
Thermosphere Ambassador

Thermosphere Ambassador

Our Thermosphere Ambassadors are very important to us. They have brought 20 new members to Ham Community. They are the fuel for our growth and we thank them. Upon achieving Thermosphere Ambassadorship, our members’ profile title is upgraded from ‘member’ to ‘ambassador’.

1 Step

  • Account from email invitation gets activated 20 times
Exosphere Ambassador

Exosphere Ambassador

This is our highest Ambassador level. It represents an exemplary effort to grow our Community. It is reached by converting invitations into 33 new members and results in a show of appreciation from the Community.

1 Step

  • Account from email invitation gets activated 33 times

Using the honor system, we encourage you to opt-into the milestones that you have achieved in life. Some are directly amateur radio related, others go beyond. In all cases, it will help others to know you a little better. These badges will be shown alongside your site rank and other achievements.

Military 20+

Twenty-plus years of military service

People who have earned this:

  • Profile photo of k3mri

Military <20

Up to 19 years of military duty.

2 users have earned this Milestone

People who have earned this:

  • Profile photo of ac8al
  • Profile photo of W4LDJ

POTA 100

For reaching your first 100 combined activations and/or chases in Parks on the Air

Gallon Station

For those with 1000 watt-plus stations

SOTA 100

For reaching your first 100 combined activations and/or chases in Summits on the Air

Skywarn Spotter

Skywarn spotters with spotter number.

4 users have earned this Milestone

People who have earned this:

  • Profile photo of NW3K
  • Profile photo of ac8al
  • Profile photo of KE8HNK
  • Profile photo of k3mri

Medical Professional

You are either a medical doctor, dentist, nurse, or medic

People who have earned this:

  • Profile photo of ac8al


You fight fires, and so much more.

People who have earned this:

  • Profile photo of ac8al


From civil and mechanical, to broadcast, electrical, computing, or even chemical engineering

2 users have earned this Milestone

People who have earned this:

  • Profile photo of W2JVO
  • Profile photo of KM6HRW

CW 15

Sending and receiving at 15 words per minute is a major accomplishment.

People who have earned this:

  • Profile photo of W2JVO

Law Enforcement

All law enforcement work, current or past