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Home Forums Back to the hobby A bad day at Cat-Rock

  • A bad day at Cat-Rock

    Posted by KE8HNK on 2024-08-30 at 02:09

    Earlier this month we had a record storm, started out as a light rain then grew into a 5 in per hour storm that stalled over our city for 75 minutes and dumping more than 5.2 inches of rain on my street and 7.5 inches in some spots. I called out Skywarn over the mobile rig in our jeep as we had 15 inches of water on the main streets and water shooting out manhole covers almost 3 ft.

    We live on a hill approximately 1062 ft. above sea level and I knew this could be bad for the Valley (I was sadly right). Flood warnings got issued and nobody lost their life (thank God) and I was able to rescue several people out of stranded vehicles (I have a lifted 1998 Jeep TJ ) but soon I came home to a flooded radio room. the first picture showed the after math as I was scrambling to get things up and top dry ground. the Icom 7300 was the first to get upstairs and slowly my son and I picked up the pieces over the next two days. After it all dried I assessed the losses, the desk, the carpet and the freshly painted batten board all was lost. I began to pick up the pieces and was going to give up until the new house and homestead was built. However we decided to make a semi portable base station and take the tower down for maintenance. we bough a 120 dollar desk from amazon ( don’t get me started on this one) and with 100 pounds of cement, 14 ft of tower mast, and a old tripod we were able to get the station back on air. Some good things to note though was…..

    1. we solved the TFD (Terminated folded Dipole) support issues once the tower is back up.

    2. My butthole neighbor actually needed me and soon dropped his complaint about my antennas

    3. Now a new desk can be designed and built for the new station and everything now will be portable easily to the new house and take about a day and a half to set up

    I hope you enjoyed the story as much as I did telling it and now I am back to work on the new shack design and I will keep you guys posted.


    Jim replied 5 months, 1 week ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Jim

    2024-09-02 at 18:51
    50W posting rank

    Absolutely heart-breaking! I get that there was no loss of life, and that is definitely a blessing, but the damage hurts! I’ve had a flooded house, so I know how it feels.

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